It is Finished

John 19:30 (ESV): When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Today Christians celebrate Good Friday. As a kid it seemed odd to call the day Jesus was crucified on a cross good. If that was all that happened then I might have been correct but it wasn’t. It was the completion of Jesus’s work on earth that made this day good. When Jesus said it is finished the atonement for all our sins was complete. Nothing else is needed, nothing else can add to jesus’s finished work.

Yet way too many people want to add to Jesus’s finished work on the cross. Maybe you think you need good works to be saved. Maybe you think you need to be baptized or baptized a certain way to be saved. Maybe you think you need to be good or lead a good life to be saved. What ever you think you need to add to Jesus’s work, think again.

If it was in our power to work out our salvation then Jesus wouldn’t have needed to die. But since we don’t have to ability to be saved on our own God sent His Son to earth to take on flesh a d live a sinless life in order to be God’s perfect Lamb a d the only sacrifice that could pay the price for our sins.

Think about this. When you make the final payment on your car loan or mortgage do you continue to send in payments? Of course not. That would be foolish. So, when Jesus said it was finished why would you think you need to do anything else?

The Greek word John uses for finished is tetelestai which means paid in full. Jesus paid for our sins in full. The only thing we can do is accept His payment and the free gift of eternal life.

He is risen. He is risen indeed.

Have a blessed Easter.


About dwwork

The name of this blog is taken from 1 Peter 3:13 - “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience. This verse became special to me over ten years ago when I was asked to teach an adult Sunday school class on Christian apologetics. This interest grew over the years to the point that I took some graduate level classes in apologetics. I think the best way to be prepared to give and answer to everyone who asks is to know scripture. It is my hope that through these short devotionals the reader will become more familiar with each verse. I have tried when possible to make them personal hoping in some small way to show that God’s word written over two thousand years ago is still relevant today. In the writing of these short devotionals I have been able to better understand how God’s word impacts my life. It is my hope that you too will come closer to our Lord Jesus and develop a closer relationship with Him. Finally, if the reader finds anything in conflict with scripture please let me know. God’s word is the final authority always overrules anything I might write. David
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